Who We Are

Board Member Information

Office Staff

Our office staff supports the efforts of our field inspectors and industry personnel as well as the consumer. We are available to help from 7:30am until 5:00pm Monday through Friday.

Phone Number: (501) 683-4100

Chrissy Horner

Chrissy Horner

Office Manager
Chrissy provides fiscal support for the agency and is responsible for issuing all permits, Rachel also helps with certification cards and inspection tracking.
Keisha Harris

Keisha Harris

Administrative Assistant
Keisha is responsible for issuing certification cards as well as tracking inspections and handling permitting for our Class 5 permit holders.

Field Inspectors

Our inspectors are responsible for providing industry and consumer support through training of industry personnel, certification testing, storage inspections, delivery vehicle inspections, and inspections of places of public assembly. If they can help, please give them a call.


Kevin Pfalser

Kevin Pfalser

The director is responsible for the overall operation and business of the Agency, subject to the oversight of the board and the Secretary of Energy and Environment.
(501) 859-3132 kevin.pfalser@arkansaslpgasboard.com