Class 9 Permit Applications and Renewals

15-75-305. Applicants for permits.

Any person desiring to engage in the liquefied petroleum gas business in this state must file a formal application and supporting papers, together with a filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), with the Director of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board at least thirty (30) days prior to the approval of the application by the director. Should the applicant be a corporation or partnership, copies of the articles of incorporation or partnership agreement, if any, shall accompany the application together with a certificate from the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration evidencing that all taxes due have been paid or otherwise negating state tax liability.

In addition, all Class 9 Applicants must provide the following:

  1. Holders of class nine permits:
    1. May sell liquefied petroleum gas containers or equipment to permit holders exclusively;
    2. Must furnish evidence of the following insurance
      1. Manufacturers' and Contractor's & Bodily Injury Liability Insurance
        • Each Person $500,000
        • Each Accident 500,000
      2. Manufacturers' and Contractor's & Property Damage Liability Insurance
        • Each Accident 500,000
        • Aggregate $500,000
      3. Products Bodily Injury Liability Insurance
        • Each Person $500,000
        • Each Accident 500,000
        • Aggregate $500,000
      4. Products Property Damage & Liability Insurance
        • Each Accident 500,000
        • Aggregate $500,000
    3. Shall submit, for approval by the Director of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board, blueprints and specifications in duplicate for each type of container before any liquefied petroleum gas containers are shipped into the state. All fittings and the manufacturer thereof shall be listed and no variation from prints submitted will be permitted until the variations from the plans submitted have received approval by the director;
      1. Must file a report of containers shipped. On the date of shipment, the manufacturer must forward a list of each container on an approved form, together with one (1) data sheet for each container shipped into the state, showing manufacturer's serial number, capacity in gallons, and to whom shipped.
      2. Each manufacturer and jobber of liquefied petroleum gas containers shall forward to the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board, together with the required notice of shipment and data sheet on the same day shipment is made, the following registration fees for each container shipped into the state:
        1. Containers of fifty (50) water gallon capacity or less
          • $5.00
        2. Over fifty (50) water gallon through one hundred twenty (120) gallon capacity
          • $10.00
        3. Over one hundred twenty (120) water gallon through five hundred (500) gallon capacity
          • $20.00
        4. Over five hundred (500) water gallon through two thousand (2,000) gallon capacity
          • $20.00
        5. Over two thousand (2,000) water gallon capacity
          • $25.00
        6. Fuel containers used on mobile equipment such as automobiles, tractors, and trucks
          • $5.00
    4. Must attach a registration tag to each container shipped. However, bulk storage containers, delivery trucks, transport trucks, and containers of thirty (30) water gallon capacity or less manufactured in compliance with the federal Interstate Commerce Commission are exempt from registration tags and fees;
    5. Must furnish photostats of current American Society of Mechanical Engineers certificate of authorization and field card of shop inspector;
    6. Must sell liquefied petroleum gas containers or equipment to permit holders exclusively; and
    7. Must pay an annual permit fee in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100).
  2. In addition to the foregoing requirements, all class nine applicants must comply withall other applicable requirements.

If you are starting a propane business please select the "New, First-Time Permit Application". If you already hold a permit and wish to renew for the upcoming year select "Renewal Permit Application".