Class 10 Permit Applications and Renewals

15-75-305. Applicants for permits.

Any person desiring to engage in the liquefied petroleum gas business in this state must file a formal application and supporting papers, together with a filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), with the Director of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board at least thirty (30) days prior to the approval of the application by the director. Should the applicant be a corporation or partnership, copies of the articles of incorporation or partnership agreement, if any, shall accompany the application together with a certificate from the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration evidencing that all taxes due have been paid or otherwise negating state tax liability.

In addition, all Class 10 Applicants must provide the following:

  1. Holders of class ten permits:
    1. May engage in the installation of liquefied petroleum gas piping and appliances in any type building, but may not sell or install liquefied petroleum gas containers; and
    2. Must pay an annual permit fee in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100).
  2. Applicants for class ten permits:
    1. May engage in the installation of liquefied petroleum gas piping and appliances in any type building, but may not sell or install liquefied petroleum gas containers; and
    2. Must pay an annual permit fee in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100).
      1. Mfg.'s' and Contractor's Bodily Injury Liability Insurance
        • Each Person $500,000
        • Each Accident 500,000
      2. Mfgs' and Contractor's Property Damage Liability Insurance
        • Each Accident 500,000
        • Aggregate $500,000
    3. Must provide a certified or notarized financial statement which has compiled within the past sixty (60) days;
    4. Must provide full-time employment of qualified personnel whose competency shall be proved through a current written or oral examination; and
    5. Must comply with all other applicable requirements

If you are starting a propane business please select the "New, First-Time Permit Application". If you already hold a permit and wish to renew for the upcoming year select "Renewal Permit Application".